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  • About | Knitty and Woolly

    About Stories Find out more Approach Find out more Wool selection Find out more Wool properties Find out more In the news! Find out more Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration !

  • Wool selection | Knitty and Woolly

    Wool selection The raw material, wool, is at the heart of my work. The different selection and sorting steps are explained here. Collection and sorting The quality of wool varies not only from one breed of sheep to another, but also from one farm to another, depending on the way they are reared, the lambing period and the health of the animals. Wool is of much higher quality if it comes from a healthy flock (I'll tell you more about sheep farming in the Hautes-Pyrénées here). Quality wool means strong, long, wavy and fine fibres, and a beautiful colour. So wool selection is a vital first step. Once a year, the wool is sheared by professionals. I then collect the wool from farms in the Val d'Azun. To make yarn, Only the best fibres having the qualities described above are selected. However, some parts of a fleece do not meet these criteria (they sometimes contain hair or jarre - to find out more about the composition of wool, see the dedicated article on my blog ) and are not selected. Then comes the sorting stage, which I do entirely by hand. But what exactly does the sorting involve? A freshly shorn fleece will contain dust, plant debris such as hay, but also parts soiled by droppings. All this debris is removed by hand, a long and tedious but essential job! Characteristics of selected wools In the lourdaise ewe, the fibres are long, ensuring the strength of the yarn. The wool is also very pliable and, once washed, has a beautiful, luminous ecru colour. A small percentage of animals have a magnificent dark brown fleece, tending towards black. I sets these brown fleeces aside to use them in my handmade creations. The ivory-white Tarasconnaise wool, which adds its finesse and plumpness, is combined with the wool of the lourdaise ewes in a unique blend. Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration !

  • Approach | Knitty and Woolly

    Approach Originally from Val d'Azun in the Hautes-Pyrénées, daughter of a sheep breeder and a mother who paints, I have been passionate about crafts since my childhood (pottery, pyrography, painting, etc.). Very quickly, my heart fell on the arts of yarn and wool, this extraordinary natural and renewable resource. ​My grandmother taught me knitting, a technique that I continue to explore as I grow up! My years of study and the obtaining of my doctorate in physico-chemistry in France destined me for a scientific career and I continued my research activities in Belgium in Antwerp, where I have since put down my luggage with my family. I knit every day, which brings me a lot of happiness. A few years ago I started creating designs, some of which I adapted as a pattern. This freedom in creation is a real satisfaction. And that's not all: I also transform wool in an artisanal way in my workshop. It is in particular the daily practice of knitting that pushed me to wonder about the modes of transformation of the raw material, wool. Under what conditions is it produced and where is it processed? What happens to the wool of our local breeds of sheep? Much less famous than their merino cousins, the breeds of sheep bred in our beautiful Pyrenees also deserve to be known! ​ Far from my native lands, I was quickly overtaken by my passion for the arts of yarn and my peasant roots. The need to create being stronger, I decided that the creation of my company should not remain an idea in mind but become reality! So I hung up my lab coat to devote myself fully to the creation of my business. My name is Fanny and after a long reflection and preparation, I founded my company Knitty and Woolly in 2023 to promote wool from the Hautes-Pyrénées, share my passion for wool and knitting through workshops and pursue in my own way the project initiated by my father. Indeed, it is very important to me to promote the wool of the lourdaise sheep and to participate in the development of this breed of massif still greatly threatened. The wool of the Tarasconnaise sheep, another local breed, has different qualities and properties and I therefore found the idea of ​​combining them for a unique mixture relevant. Knitty and Woolly offers you... Yarn for your creations Azun yarns are made from 100% wool from the Hautes-Pyrénées, traceable and without chemical treatment (no carbonising, bleaching or superwash treatment). The yarns are made in Niaux in Ariège, in a spinning mill with a fascinating history. To add a touch of colour , I called on the Myrobolan workshop in Creuse to carry out a traditional vegetable dyeing process. For knitting ideas, visit my blog ! Handwoven wool bracelets At Knitty and Woolly , wool is also processed by hand, for unique creations in small quantities. Discover the collections of hand-woven bracelets called Pyrenees and Sun in a range of natural and plant-based colours. To to find out all about how they are made, visit my blog . Workshops I offer workshops to share , transmit and introduce you to the many qualities of wool and its uses. Wool transformation process and introduction to knitting will be on the program. The workshops are organized in Antwerp (Belgium). knitting patterns I also take great pleasure in imagining and creating knitting patterns. Some have been translated into patterns available on Ravelry. Whether it's collaborating with other designers for the realization of designs, or for the use of Knitty and Woolly yarns in a model, you can send me an email via the contact form. Knitty and Woolly on Instagram and Pinterest Come and discover my woolly universe on the social media! Instagram Pinterest Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration !

  • Explore the secrets of wool | Knitty and Woolly

    Explore the secrets of wool processing and knit your headband Useful information ​ Duration : 4 ho urs Material : Provided Prerequisites: none Workshop language : fr, en, (nl) Where ? Kaleidoscoop Bvba Molenstraat 50, 2640 Mortsel (Belgium) Dates and subscription : Wec andoo ​ Enjoy -10% with my code FAG179 On the program Origins of the wool Find out more about the origin of wool from the Hautes-Pyrénées, its exceptional properties and my work to promote the wool from the lourdaises and tarasconnaises ewes. Your first project Choose your 50g ball of Azun Worsted yarn from Knitty and Woolly in your favourite color to knit your headband! You'll leave with all the knitting materials you need to finish at home. Transformation process From raw material to yarn, learn about the different stages in the transformation of wool: preparation, carding and spinning on a spinning wheel! It was a very comprehensive workshop and Fanny generously shared her passion for crafts. Wool is a vast and interesting subject, and I learnt a lot and put it into practice. The workshop can be continued at home thanks to the materials and advice provided by Fanny. Great experience, I wish you all the best with your wool work and thank you for sharing!

  • Wool properties | Knitty and Woolly

    The (many!) properties of wool Wool is a truly amazing material that has many useful and practical properties. Here is a preview! Renewable and sustainable The sheep are shorn once a year, it is obligatory and necessary for their health. Wool always grows back! Not odorous The natural properties of wool combine very well to limit the proliferation of bacteria responsible for bad body odours. Insulating Capable of storing up to 80% air in its own volume, it is hot and cool at the same time! Its tortoiseshell structure also increases the wool surface in contact with the air while slowing down its circulation, whatever its temperature. Biodegradable Wool, composed mainly of keratin, degrades naturally through the action of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). Non-allergenic Wool is mostly made up of keratin. It is therefore unlikely to be allergic to it (it would be like being allergic to our hair). Fire resistant Naturally flame retardant, it offers a higher degree of fire protection than other materials. When it burns (this requires subjecting it to a very strong heat source), it does not melt, flow or stick! This property is due to its high nitrogen and water content, which must be compensated by a greater supply of oxygen to initiate combustion. Breathable Wool has the ability to absorb up to 35% of its weight in moisture which is then released as water vapor into the air. So we stay dry! Depolluting It has the ability to chemically fix certain indoor air pollutants permanently, in particular certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as formaldehyde. UV protection Wool offers excellent natural protection against the sun's UV rays. Indeed, it absorbs radiation from the entire UV spectrum more effectively than other materials. Easy to maintain The wool is dirt-repellent, crease-resistant and non-odorous. No need to wash your wool sweater often, 2 to 3 times a year is enough! A few maintenance tips here .

  • Stories | Knitty and Woolly

    Stories A family story My relationship with wool and knitting is quite simply a family story. My passion for knitting and yarn arts, but also for creative hobbies in general, is probably in my genes. I learned to knit with my paternal grandmother, when I was a child, my maternal grandmother was a seamstress, and my mother transmitted her taste for colors to me through painting. ​ ​ And the wool in all this? About thirty years ago, my father, then a history and geography teacher and very attached to the local heritage, made the choice to become a breeder and to actively commit to safeguarding the Lourdaise, an emblematic sheep breed and local from the Hautes-Pyrénées, then on the verge of extinction. This is how, in parallel with his work as a teacher, he developed a passionate passion for the breeding of this very special breed of sheep. With about 1300 animals in 2023 (while the threshold for threatened breed status is set at 6,000 animals), the lourdaise sheep is today, and despite its remarkable efforts, still protected by the Unité Pyrénéenne Races Allaitantes (UPRA ovine) from the central Pyrenees. My father also collaborated with the UPRA following a request to the Institut Technique de l'Élevage Ovin et Caprin (ITOVIC) in a conservation program for the lourdaise breed by freezing semen from selected rams, including one from his herd. When I look back, I can only be admiring and proud of his work and am very grateful to him for having led me on this adventure. So, since I was born, my father always took me with him to the farm. I have always liked contact with these animals, the lourdaise sheep being particularly gentle and affectionate. When the births didn't always go as planned, I was the one who bottle-fed the lambs, and I loved it! I have always been immersed in the world of breeding, and so it was only natural that I came interested in wool. It is an incredible material with many properties that deserves to be known and used for its virtues. Pastoral stories My reflections on the origins of wool and its transformation are undeniably linked to respect for animal well being. The breeds of sheep bred in the Hautes-Pyrénées live for several months of the year in high mountain pastures. As a child, I accompanied my father on the transhumance of his flock in the Hautes-Pyrénées National Park in the Marcadau Valley. What unforgettable memories! They will forever be etched in my heart, as they are such an integral part of my story. My father visiting his flock in the mountain pastures The lourdaise is also rather special in that, unlike other breeds, it feeds mainly on hay and regain, harvested by farmers directly in the valley, which limits the use of cereals and the environmental problems that are unfortunately sometimes associated with them. The rest of the year, the sheep graze in the meadows in the low mountains and are sheltered in the sheepfold when the weather conditions are difficult in winter. Some herds even live outdoors all year round. The local sheep are therefore bred in semi-freedom. They are sheared once a year by professionals, with great technique and who master the art of shearing, conditions necessary for the good health of the animal. The lourdaise is also quite special because unlike other breeds, it feeds mainly on hay and regrowth, harvested by farmers directly in the valley, which limits the use of cereals and the environmental problems that unfortunately sometimes associated with it. The challenges of the wool sector The wool produced in France is very little and poorly valued. Before the COVID crisis in 2019, most French wool was bought from breeders by wholesalers at a derisory price, not even covering the cost of shearing, before being exported to China, to be processed there by industrial processes (with the ecological and social impacts that we know), then returned to the European market in the form of finished products. In 2021, barely 4% of French wool was valued on the territory according to the Tricolor collective. Worse still, this wool, although the result of considerable work on the part of breeders throughout the year, is increasingly considered as cumbersome waste that is difficult to get rid of. It is not uncommon to see breeders resolved to burn it, for lack of alternative solutions. In addition, French and more broadly European wool is subject to competition from merino sheep wool harvested in Oceania. The revival of the French wool sector therefore represents a solution for the future to relocate wool production and its transformation, to highlight the different wools of our regions and to revive ancestral know-how. The Niaux spinning mill, a local player in the wool industry Flock of Lourdaises sheep in the summer pastures at Pic de Pan, Erwan Guyetand farm Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration !

  • In the news | Knitty and Woolly

    Portrait of a craftswoman By Candice Aubert-Dhô Founder Cosy Jungle May 2024 ​ Candice is an artisan in Provence. She creates interior decoration using a wide range of natural materials, including wool. Curious about my French wools and my committed approach, she asked me to do a portrait of myself, which you can discover on her blog! Cosy Jungle Read Press article March 2024 Yvette Read Press article February 2024 Bigorre Mag Read Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration !

  • Workshops | Knitty and Woolly

    Workshops Explore the secrets of wool To discover the wool transformation steps and introduce you to knitting Find out more Weaving a wall hanging Come and discover weaving and create your own wall hanging! Know more New workshop coming soon! A new creative workshop is coming soon, stay tuned! Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration ! Read it on the blog ! 5 min How do I care for my woollen knitwear? 1 min Welcome to the colour Quebracho Pink 4 min The Sun collection, a new range of woven wool bracelets

  • Accueil | Knitty & Woolly

    Natural yarns and creations based on the wool of local breeds of sheep, including the endangered lourdaise Wool from Pyrenees for your creations With Knitty and Woolly , I have at heart to preserve a natural and local resource , wool of Pyrenees , so that it is no longer a waste product, while encouraging local, artisanal companies to transform it into a yarn that is authentic and reflects the local terroir . ​ Moreover, through unique hand-made creations, I also want to highlight the endangered lourdaise , a local breed of sheep in the Pyrenees. Yarns and knitting accessories Natural french wool yarns, for all your projects Your expérience "I chose Azun Worsted to make a simple jacket (Burgos by Rosa Pomar). The wool is very round, well spun and even. I really like the dryness of it, but at the same time it doesn't sting. The colour is deep and true to the photos on the website. I've already knitted half of my jacket and I really like the look, the texture and the definition of the stitches :) The package also arrived beautifully wrapped with a few little surprises inside, which doesn't spoil the pleasure :). Thank you Fanny! Alice Our creations Discover the wool bracelets, hand-woven in my workshop When materials intermingle... ​ A brand new collection of handwoven bracelets is being launched. You can preview it on Sunday 29 September at Made in Wool . ​ A new plant-based material , natural linen , has made its debut in the workshop, blending with wool in a play of colours and textures . Wool, a surprising natural material Sheep's wool is an incredible natural fiber. There is so much to discover about this material... Where does it come from? How is it transformed into yarn? How is it used and in what forms? At Knitty and Woolly , the wool comes from Lourdaise and Tarasconnaise sheep breeds and is harvested in the Hautes-Pyrénées, in the South West of France. It is then transformed into yarn by local actors who use ancestral processes. ​ Passionate about this fiber, I also use part of this wool to make creations in a 100% artisanal and natural way. All stages of wool transformation (sorting, carding, spinning, dyeing) can be discovered during workshops . Event! To the event I'm exhibiting at Made in Wool 2024! It will take place on 29 September at Court St Étienne in Belgium. Creative workshops "Explore the secrets of wool" Want to know more about this natural fiber and how to transform it into yarn? This workshop is for you! In partnership with Discover Read it on the blog ! 5 min How do I care for my woollen knitwear? 1 min Welcome to the colour Quebracho Pink 4 min The Sun collection, a new range of woven wool bracelets Subscribe to the newsletter Write your email here Register Thank you for your registration !

  • Jacquard technique | Knitty and Woolly

    Jacquard technique The jacquard technique allows you to knit several colors at the same time to create patterns. If you have never dared to get started, I will explain how to do it during this workshop. Let's celebrate the arrival of autumn together! Receive a €5.50 voucher for any purchase on the shop of a minimum of €40 until Tuesday evening with the code : AUTUMN Practical information ​ Duration: 4 hours Material: Provided Prerequisites: none Workshop given in English, French and Dutchµ ​ Where? Coming soon When? Coming soon *Prerequisites: Exploring this technique requires knowing some knitting basics. We will knit a model made in the circular (circular stockinette). The different basic techniques you will need are: - cast on stitches and join in the round - knit stockinette stitch in the round - decreases - cast off stitches Choice of wool The choice of wool is particularly important for this technique. I explain the different options to you to make the best choice. Colors Matching colors together isn't always easy. I give you all the tips for a successful color association! Your first colorwork knit A hat or a cowl, works made with circular knitting. Choice of wool The choice of wool is particularly important for this technique. I explain the different options to you to make the best choice. The technique We see together how to perform this technique step by step and how to read a pattern containing jacquard charts. In this workshop

  • General Terms and Conditions | Knitty and Woolly

    General Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) - The french version always prevails - General Terms and Conditions Updated on 06/16/2023 ​ Website Knitty and Woolly (hereinafter the “Platform”) is an initiative of: Knitty and Woolly Voorjaarstraat 14 B2, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium Company number (BCE/VAT): BE 0800864365 Email: Telephone: +32456205603 (hereinafter “Knitty and Woolly” or "we" or the “Seller”) 1. Scope These general conditions of use (hereinafter the “T&Cs”) apply to any visit or use of the Platform and its information by an Internet user (hereinafter “User”). By visiting or using the Platform, the User acknowledges having read these T&Cs and expressly accepts the rights and obligations mentioned therein. The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions may exceptionally be waived by written agreement. These exemptions may consist of the modification, addition or deletion of the clauses to which they relate and have no impact on the application of the other provisions of the T&Cs. We reserve the right to modify our T&Cs at any time, without prior notification, but we undertake to apply the provisions that were in force at the time you used our Platform. ​ 2. Platform a. Access and navigation We take all reasonable and necessary measures to ensure the proper functioning, security and accessibility of our Platform. However, we cannot offer an absolute guarantee of operability and our actions must therefore be considered as being covered by an obligation of means. Any use of the Platform is always at the User's own risk. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage that may result from possible malfunctions, interruptions, defects or even harmful elements present on the Platform. We reserve the right to restrict access to the Platform or interrupt its operation at any time, without prior notice. b. Content Knitty and Woolly largely determines the content of the Platform and takes great care of the information present on it. We take every possible measure to keep our Platform as complete, accurate and up-to-date as possible, even when the information on it is provided by third parties. We reserve the right to modify, add to or delete the Platform and its content at any time, without incurring any liability. Knitty and Woolly cannot offer an absolute guarantee regarding the quality of the information present on the Platform. It is therefore possible that this information is not always complete, exact, sufficiently precise or up to date. Consequently, Knitty and Woolly cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that the User may suffer from the information present on the Platform. If certain contents of the Platform are in violation of the law or the rights of third parties, or are contrary to morality, we ask you to inform us as quickly as possible by email so that we can take appropriate measures. Any download from the Platform always takes place at the User's risk. Knitty and Woolly may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from such downloads, such as loss of data or damage to the User's computer system, which are entirely and exclusively the responsibility of the User. c. Services reserved for registered Users 1) Registration Access to certain services is conditional on the User's registration. Registration and access to the Platform's services are reserved exclusively for legally capable individuals who have completed and validated the registration form available online on the Platform as well as these T&Cs. When registering, the User undertakes to provide accurate, sincere and up-to-date information about their person and marital status. The User must also regularly check the data concerning him/her in order to maintain its accuracy. The User must therefore provide a valid e-mail address, on which the Platform will send him/her confirmation of his/her registration for its services. An email address cannot be used more than once to register for the Services. Any communication made by the Platform and its partners is therefore deemed to have been received and read by the User. The latter therefore undertakes to regularly consult the messages received on this e-mail address and, if necessary, to respond within a reasonable time. Only one registration is allowed per natural person. The User is assigned an identifier allowing him/her to access a space to which access is reserved for him/her (hereinafter "Personal Space"), in addition to entering his/her password. The username and password can be modified online by the User in their Personal Space. The password is personal and confidential, the User therefore undertakes not to communicate it to third parties. Knitty and Woolly reserves the right in any case to refuse a registration request for the Platform's services in the event of non-compliance by the User with the T&Cs. 2) Unsubscribe The regularly registered User may request to unsubscribe at any time by going to the dedicated page in their Personal Space. Any unsubscription from the Platform will be effective as soon as possible after the User has completed the form provided for this purpose. 3. Links to other websites The Platform may contain links or hyperlinks to external websites. Such links do not automatically mean that there is a relationship between Knitty and Woolly and the external website or even that an implicit agreement exists with the content of these external sites. Knitty and Woolly has no control over external websites. We are therefore not responsible for the safe and correct functioning of the hyperlinks and their final destination. As soon as the User clicks on the hyperlink, he leaves the Platform. We cannot therefore be held responsible for any subsequent damage. 4. Intellectual property The structure of the Platform, but also the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos, databases, computer applications, etc. which compose it or which are accessible via the Platform are the property of the publisher and are protected as such by the laws in force regarding intellectual property. Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the content, trademarks and services offered by the Platform, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorisation of the publisher, is strictly prohibited, with the exception of elements expressly designated as free of rights on the Platform. The User of the Platform is granted a limited right to access, use and display the Platform and its content. This right is granted on a non-exclusive, non-transferable basis and may only be used for personal, non-commercial use. Without prior written agreement, Users are not authorized to modify, reproduce, translate, distribute, sell, communicate to the public, in whole or in part, the protected elements. The User is prohibited from entering data on the Platform which would modify or be likely to modify its content or appearance. 5. Protection of personal data The personal data provided by the User during their visit or use of the Platform are collected and processed by Knitty and Woolly exclusively for internal purposes. Knitty and Woolly assures its users that it attaches the greatest importance to the protection of their privacy and personal data, and that it is always committed to communicating clearly and transparently on this point. Knitty and Woolly undertakes to comply with the applicable legislation in this area, namely the Law of December 8, 1992 relating to the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data as well as the European Regulation of April 27 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. The User's personal data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policies available on the Platform. 6. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction These T&Cs are governed by Belgian law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the courts of the judicial district where Knitty and Woolly has its head office. 7. General provisions Knitty and Woolly reserves the right to modify, extend, delete, limit or interrupt the Platform and associated services at any time, without prior notification, and without incurring liability. In the event of a violation of the T&Cs by the User, Knitty and Woolly reserves the right to take appropriate sanction and reparation measures. Knitty and Woolly reserves the right to refuse the User any access to the Platform or our services temporarily or permanently. These measures may be taken without giving reasons and without notice. They cannot engage the liability of Knitty and Woolly or give rise to any form of compensation. The illegality or total or partial nullity of a provision of our T&Cs will have no impact on the validity and application of the other provisions. In such a case, we have the right to replace the provision with another valid provision of similar scope.

  • Terms of delivery | Knitty and Woolly

    Terms of delivery Knitty and Wooly currently only ships to several EU countries. Knitty and Woolly works with Bpost and Mondial Relay for deliveries, in order to offer home delivery or delivery to a Point Relay. Important if the Customer selects delivery in a Relay Point by Mondial Relay: after payment and validation of the order, he/she will receive an email from Mondial Relay (at the email address provided by the Customer) inviting him/her to fill in his/her details and choose his/her Relay Point. Only when the Customer has completed and validated this information will Knitty and Woolly be able to finalise dispatch of the parcel. Delivery times are purely indicative and are not binding on Knitty and Woolly. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, a delay in delivery may under no circumstances give rise to the cancellation or dissolution of the purchase or to the granting of compensation. However, if delivery times exceed thirty days from the date of the order, the sales contract may be cancelled and the Customer reimbursed. Knitty and Woolly is not responsible for any problems during shipping. All purchases are made at the buyer's risk, regardless of the method of transport or shipment. The seller is not responsible for any damage to the goods sold during transport or shipment. See below for the different delivery methods and associated prices (in FR and ENG) Pays Livraison Livraison gratuite à partir de Autriche, Espagne, Italie, Portugal 12 € À domicile (Mondial Relay - 5/6 jours ouvrés); 6,50 € Point relais (Mondial Relay - 6 jours ouvrés) 150 € Luxembourg 10,5 € À domicile (Mondial Relay - 3 jours ouvrés); 4,50 € Point Relais (Mondial Relay - 3 jours ouvrés) 150 € Allemagne 11,5 € À domicile (Mondial Relay - 6 jours ouvrés); 7,50 € Point relais (Mondial Relay - 6 jours ouvrés) 150 € Belgique 6,5 € À domicile (Bpost); 5 € Bureau de post/point poste/distributeur (Bpost) 1-3 jours ouvrés 100 € France 12 € À domicile (Bpost); 5,5 € Point Relais (Mondial Relay - 5 jours ouvrés) 150 € Pays-Bas 11.50 € À domicile (Mondial Relay - 5 jours ouvrés); 5,5 € Point Relais (Mondial Relay - 3 jours ouvrés) 150 € Country Shipping Free shipping from Belgium €6.5 At home (Bpost); €5 Post office/post point/distributor (Bpost) 1- 3 working days €100 France €12 At home (Bpost); €5.5 Point Relay (Mondial Relay - 5 working days) €150 Luxembourg €10.5 At home (Mondial Relay - 3 working days); €4.5 Point Relay (Mondial Relay - 3 working days) €150 Germany €11.5 At home (Mondial Relay - 6 working days); €7.5 Point Relay (Mondial Relay - 6 working days) €150 Netherlands €11.5 At home (Mondial Relay - 5 working days); €5.5 Point Relay (Mondial Relay - 3 working days) €150 Austria, Sapin, Italy, Portugal €12 At home (Mondial Relay - 5/6 working days); €6.50 Point Relay (Mondial Relay - 6 working days) €150

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