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  • Gift card | Knitty and Woolly

    Carte cadeau/Gift card Knitty and Woolly 10 € Tu souhaites faire découvrir des fils à tricoter en laine des Pyrénées à un proche ? Ou bien offrir un joli bracelet pour une occasion spéciale ? Alors cette carte cadeau est ce qu'il te faut ! ... Read more Amount 10 € 20 € 30 € 40 € 50 € 100 € 150 € Other amount Quantity Buy Now

  • General terms of sale | Knitty and Woolly

    General terms and conditions of sale (GTCS) - Th e french version always prevails - ​ 1. Scope These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the "GTCS") define the reciprocal rights and obligations in the event of the purchase of products or services on the Platform by a User (hereinafter the "Customer"). The GTS express the entirety of the obligations of the parties. The Customer is deemed to accept them unreservedly, failing which the order will not be validated. In exceptional circumstances, derogations may be made to the provisions of the GCS, provided that such derogations have been agreed in writing. Such derogations may consist of the modification, addition or deletion of the clauses to which they relate and shall not affect the application of the other provisions of the GTCS. Knitty and Woolly (hereinafter the "Seller") reserves the right to amend the GTC from time to time. The modifications will be applicable as soon as they are published online for all purchases made after this date. 2. Online Shop Via the Platform, the Vendor provides the Customer with an online shop presenting the products or services sold, without the photographs having any contractual value. The products or services are described and presented as accurately as possible. However, in the event of errors or omissions in the presentation, the Vendor may not be held liable. The products on sale in the online shop are handmade, and may vary in colour, weight or shape. Each product is described as precisely as possible on a product sheet. The colours of the products in the photographs may vary from one screen to another and may cause the actual colour of the product to vary. However, every effort is made to ensure that the photos are as accurate as possible. Products and services are offered subject to availability. Prices and taxes are specified in the online shop. 3. Prices The Seller reserves the right to change its prices at any time by publishing them online. Only the prices indicated and the taxes in force at the time of the order will apply, subject to availability on that date. Prices are given in euros and do not include any delivery charges, which are indicated and invoiced in addition before the Customer confirms the order. The total amount of the order (including all taxes) and, where applicable, delivery costs is indicated before final validation of the order form. 4. Online order The Customer may fill in an order form online, using an electronic form. By completing the electronic form, the Customer accepts the price and description of the products or services. For the order to be validated, the Customer must accept these GCS by clicking where indicated. The Customer must provide a valid e-mail address, billing details and, where applicable, a valid delivery address. Any exchanges with the Seller may take place via this e-mail address. In addition, the Customer must choose the delivery method and validate the payment method. The Vendor reserves the right to block the Customer's order in the event of non-payment, an incorrect address or any other problem with the Customer's account, until the problem has been resolved. 5. Order confirmation and payment The Vendor retains ownership of the items ordered until full payment for the order has been received. a. Payment The Customer makes the payment at the time of the final validation of the order using the chosen method of payment. This validation takes the place of a signature. The Customer guarantees the Vendor that he/she has the necessary authorisations to use this method of payment and acknowledges that the information given for this purpose is proof of his/her consent to the sale and to the payment of the sums due for the order. The Vendor has set up a procedure for verifying orders and means of payment in order to provide a reasonable guarantee against any fraudulent use of a means of payment, including by requesting identification data from the Customer. In the event of refusal to authorise payment by bank card by the accredited organisations or in the event of non-payment, the Vendor reserves the right to suspend or cancel the order and its delivery. The Vendor also reserves the right to refuse an order from a Customer who has not paid in full or in part for a previous order or with whom a payment dispute is in progress. b. Confirmation Upon receipt of validation of the purchase together with payment, the Seller will send an invoice to the Customer, unless the invoice is delivered with the order. The Customer may request that the invoice be sent to an address other than the delivery address by sending a request to this effect to Knitty and Woolly (by email to ) prior to delivery. In the event that a service or product is unavailable, the Seller will inform the Customer by e-mail as soon as possible in order to replace it or cancel the order for this product and possibly refund the relevant price, the remainder of the order remaining firm and definitive. 6. Proof Communications, orders and payments between the Customer and the Vendor may be proven by means of computerised registers kept in the Vendor's computer systems under reasonable security conditions. Order forms and invoices are archived on a reliable and durable medium considered, in particular, as a means of proof. 7. Delivery Delivery is only made once payment has been confirmed by the Seller's bank. Products are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer on the online order form. Any additional costs arising from incomplete or erroneous information provided by the Customer will be invoiced to the Customer. Delivery takes place, depending on the method chosen by the Customer, within the time indicated on the order confirmation page. Information on delivery times is available in the "Terms of delivery" section and depends on the country to which the product is destined. An indication in days refers to the period from payment by the Customer to delivery of the goods. Delivery times are given as an indication only. No compensation may be claimed from the Seller or the carrier in the event of late delivery. If delivery times exceed thirty days from the date of the order, the sales contract may be cancelled and the Customer reimbursed. a. Verification of the order On receipt of the products, the Customer or recipient shall check that the product delivered is in good condition or that the service provided complies with the order. In the event that one or more of the products ordered are missing or damaged, the Customer or the recipient must make the necessary reservations to the carrier at the time of delivery and immediately inform the Vendor. Verification is deemed to have been carried out once the Customer or a person authorised by the Customer has received the order without expressing any reservations. Any reservations not made in accordance with the rules defined above and within the time limits set shall not be taken into account and shall release the Vendor from any liability to the Customer. b. Delivery error In the event of a delivery error or non-conformity of the products in relation to the information on the order form, the Customer shall inform the Vendor within three working days following the date of delivery. Any complaint not made within this period will not be taken into account and will release the Vendor from any liability to the Customer. c. Returns and exchanges The product to be reimbursed must be returned to the Seller as a whole and in its original packaging, in accordance with the following terms and conditions: The return of a product is accepted within a period of 14 days from the day on which the Customer exercised his/her right of withdrawal (see section 9 below) to the following address Fanny Girard Sahun Voorjaarstraat 14 B2 2610 Wilrijk Belgium Any claim or return not made in accordance with the rules set out above and within the time limits set shall not be taken into account and shall release the Seller from all liability towards the Customer. Any product to be reimbursed must be returned to the Seller as a whole and in its original packaging. The cost of returning the product shall be borne by the Customer. If the Customer wishes to exchange their product, they must place a new order on the online shop. 8. Guarantees The Seller guarantees that the products or services conform to the contract in accordance with the law in force at the time the contract is concluded. a. Guarantee of conformity If the Customer is a consumer, they have a period of two years from delivery of the product in which to invoke the legal guarantee of conformity. However, if the product purchased was a second-hand item, the warranty period is one year. Any lack of conformity must be reported to the Vendor as soon as possible and, in any event, no later than two months after it is discovered. The variations described in article 2. Online Shop do not render the product non-conforming. The buyer is solely responsible for the choice of products, their conservation and their use. The seller may not be held liable for the improper handling, use or natural wear and tear of the products, nor for damage of any kind, whether material, immaterial or physical, which may result from their improper use. 9. Right of withdrawal If the Customer is a consumer, they may exercise their legal right of withdrawal within 14 working days of delivery of the goods or conclusion of the service contract. Once the Customer has communicated their decision to withdraw, they have 14 days to return or refund the goods. Any retraction not carried out in accordance with the rules and deadlines defined in this article shall not be taken into account and shall release the Vendor from any liability towards the Customer. The Customer may request reimbursement of the returned product, without penalty, with the exception of the return costs, which remain at the Customer's expense. The return of the product will only be accepted for products as a whole, intact and in their original condition, in particular with complete, intact packaging and in saleable condition. The Vendor shall reimburse the Customer for all sums paid, including delivery costs, within 14 days of recovery of the goods or transmission of proof of dispatch of the goods. If the order relates, in whole or in part, to digital content not supplied on a physical medium, the Customer hereby agrees to forfeit, in respect of such digital content, his/her right of withdrawal in order to receive delivery as soon as possible. If the order concerns, in whole or in part, the supply of services, the Customer hereby waives, for these services, his right of withdrawal in order to be supplied as soon as possible following the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform the Seller (Fanny Girard Sahun, e-mail ) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (for example a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the model withdrawal form attached, but this is not obligatory. ​ Sample withdrawal form : ​ For the attention of : Knitty and Woolly Voorjaarstraat 14 B2, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium Company number (BCE/TVA): BE 0800864365 E-mail: Telephone: +32456205603 I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the following goods (*)/provision of the following services (*): ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Ordered on (*)/received on (*) : __________ Name of consumer(s): __________ Address of consumer(s) : __________ Signature of the consumer(s) (only in the case of notification of this form on paper) : ____________________ Date : __________ * Delete as appropriate 10. Data protection The Seller shall keep proof of the transaction, including the order form and the invoice, in its computer systems under reasonable security conditions. The Seller guarantees to protect the Customer's personal data in accordance with the Confidentiality Policies available on the Platform. 11. Force majeure If the Seller is prevented, in whole or in part, from fulfilling the order due to an unforeseen circumstance beyond its control, this shall be deemed to be force majeure. In the event of force majeure, the Seller is authorised to suspend performance of the order, in whole or in part, for the duration of the force majeure. The Seller shall notify the Customer immediately. If the force majeure continues for more than 90 days without interruption, each of the parties to the contract will have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, by registered letter sent to the other party. The services already provided by the Vendor will nevertheless be invoiced proportionally to the Customer. 12. Independence of clauses The illegality or nullity, in whole or in part, of any provision of these GTC shall have no impact on the validity and application of the other provisions. The Seller reserves the right to replace the illegal or invalid provision with another valid provision of similar scope. 13. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction These GTC are governed by Belgian law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the courts of the judicial district of the seller's registered office.

  • New workshop coming soon | Knitty and Woolly

    Discover the secrets of wool Useful information ​ Duration: 4 ho urs Material: Provided Prerequisites: none Workshop language: fr, en, (nl) Place , dates and subscription: Wec andoo ​ Enjoy -10% with my code FAG179 In the program Wool origins Discover the origins of wool from the Hautes-Pyrénées. Knitting materials and techniques Advice on choosing knitting materials and tools. transformation process From raw material to yarn, an introduction to the stages of wool selection and processing. Your first work Read a knitting pattern, set up and pick up stitches, foam stitch, and make your first creation. "A very comprehensive workshop, Fanny generously shares her passion for crafts. Wool is a vast and interesting subject, and I learned a lot and put it into practice. The workshop can continue at home thanks to the materials and advice provided by Fanny. Great experience, I wish you all the best with your wool work and thank you for sharing!""

  • Refund policy | Knitty and Woolly

    Refund policy - Th e french version always prevails - Right of withdrawal If the Customer is a consumer, they may exercise their legal right of withdrawal within 14 working days of delivery of the goods or conclusion of the service contract. Once the Customer has communicated their decision to withdraw, they have 14 days to return or refund the goods. Any retraction not carried out in accordance with the rules and deadlines defined in this article shall not be taken into account and shall release the Vendor from any liability towards the Customer. The Customer may request reimbursement of the returned product, without penalty, with the exception of the return costs, which remain at the Customer's expense. The return of the product will only be accepted for products as a whole, intact and in their original condition, in particular with complete, intact packaging and in saleable condition. The Vendor shall reimburse the Customer for all sums paid, including delivery costs, within 14 days of recovery of the goods or transmission of proof of dispatch of the goods. If the order relates, in whole or in part, to digital content not supplied on a physical medium, the Customer hereby agrees to forfeit, in respect of such digital content, his/her right of withdrawal in order to receive delivery as soon as possible. If the order concerns, in whole or in part, the supply of services, the Customer hereby waives, for these services, his right of withdrawal in order to be supplied as soon as possible following the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform the Seller (Fanny Girard Sahun, e-mail ) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (for example a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the model withdrawal form attached, but this is not obligatory. ​ Sample withdrawal form : For the attention of : Knitty and Woolly Voorjaarstraat 14 B2, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium Company number (BCE/TVA): BE 0800864365 E-mail: Telephone: +32456205603 I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the following goods (*)/provision of the following services (*): ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Ordered on (*)/received on (*) : __________ Name of consumer(s): __________ Address of consumer(s) : __________ Signature of the consumer(s) (only in the case of notification of this form on paper) : ____________________ Date : __________ * Delete as appropriate Returns and exchanges The product to be refunded must be returned to the Seller as a whole and in its original packaging, in accordance with the following procedure: The return of a product is accepted within 14 days of the date on which the Customer exercised his/her right of withdrawal (see section 9 under General terms of sale ) to the following address: Fanny Girard Sahun Voorjaarstraat 14 B2 2610 Wilrijk Belgium Any claim or return that is not made in accordance with the rules set out above and within the time limits set shall not be taken into account and shall release the Seller from all liability towards the Customer. Any product to be refunded must be returned to the Seller as a whole and in its original packaging. The cost of returning the product shall be borne by the Customer. If the Customer wishes to exchange their product, they must place a new order on the online shop.

  • Weave your wall hanging | Knitty and Woolly

    Discover the weaving technique and create your own wall hanging Useful information ​ Duration : 2ho urs Material : Provided Prerequisites: none Workshop language : fr, en, (nl) Where ? De Kern, Wilrijk, Antwerpen (Belgium) Dates: 14/10/2024 at 19h Subscription : De kern ​ On the program Discovering weaving Discover the basic techniques of weaving on a wooden loom. The equipment The materials you need to make your hanging are provided. The loom is loaned for the duration of the workshop. Wool and other natural materials will be at your disposal for a moment of shared creativity!

  • Legal notice | Knitty and Woolly

    Legal Notice Legal notice Knitty and Woolly Fanny Girard Sahun Webshop and workshops ​ Voorjaarstraat 14 B2, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgique ​ Phone number: +32 4 56 20 56 03 E-Mail : ​ VAT nr : BE0800864365 CBE n°: 0800.864.365 ​ Bank account : BE32 7350 6288 6502 ​ Small business subject to the exemption scheme, VAT not applicable. Website hosting The site is hosted by Wix, Wix Online Platform Limited ​at the fo llowing address: 1 Grant’s Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland. Editorial responsability Fanny Girard Sahun

  • Introduction to knitting | Knitty and Woolly

    Introduction to knitting Practical information ​ Material: Provided Prerequisites: none Language of the workshop: en, fr, (nl) Dates, location and subscription here In the program knitting material Advice on choosing the necessary material for knitting. Basic techniques Explanations and practice of basic techniques: cast on stitches, garter stitch, bind off stitches. The wool Explanations on the different types of wool, advice for choosing a wool adapted to your knitting project. Your first knit Reading a knitting pattern, and making your first creation.

  • Contact | Knitty and Woolly

    Contact Please complete the form below: Send *These fields are required

  • Privacy policies | Knitty and Woolly

    Privacy polic ies - The french version always prevails - Privacy Policies Updated June 16, 2023 1. Parts and Purpose Fanny Girard Sahun (hereinafter “Knitty and Woolly” or the “Data Controller”) Voorjaarstraat 14 B2, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium BCE / VAT: BE 0800864365 Register of legal entities: Antwerp Email: Telephone: +32456205603 Knitty and Woolly establishes this Privacy Policy, the purpose of which is to transparently inform Users of the website hosted at the following address: , (hereinafter the “Site”), of the manner in which personal data is collected and processed by Knitty and Woolly. The term “User” refers to any user, i.e. any natural or legal person, who visits or interacts in any way with the Site. As such, Knitty and Woolly determines all the technical, legal and organizational means and purposes of processing Users' personal data. Knitty and Woolly undertakes to this end to take all necessary measures to guarantee the processing of personal data in compliance with the law of July 30, 2018, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data ( hereinafter, "the Law") and the European Regulation of April 26, 2016 relating to the protection of the data of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter the "Regulations"). Knitty and Woolly is free to choose any natural or legal person who processes users' personal data at their request and on their behalf (hereinafter the "Subcontractor"). Where applicable, Knitty and Woolly undertakes to select a Subcontractor offering sufficient guarantees as to the technical and organizational security measures for the processing of personal data, with regard to the Law and the Regulations. 2. Processing of personal data Use of the Site by Users may result in the communication of personal data. The processing of this data by Knitty and Woolly, in its capacity as Data Controller, or by service providers acting in the name and on behalf of Knitty and Woolly, will comply with the Law and Regulations. Personal data will be processed by Knitty and Woolly, in accordance with the purposes mentioned below, via: 1. the newsletter subscription form 2. use of cookies 3. sending survey or questionnaire 3. Purpose of processing personal data In accordance with Article 13 of the Regulations, the purposes of processing personal data are communicated to the User and are as follows: 1. Ensure the execution of the services offered and agreed on the Site; 2. Ensure control of the execution of the services offered; 3. Carry out marketing and promotional information activities after consent, for example sending promotions about the Data Controller's products and services; 4. Answer the User's questions; 5. Produce statistics in order to improve the Website, the services offered and the internal operating organization; 6. Improve the quality of the Site and the products and/or services offered by the Data Controller; 7. Allow better identification of the User's interests. 4. Personal data likely to be processed The User consents, during the visit and use of the Site, that Knitty and Woolly collects and processes, according to the terms and principles described in this Privacy Policy, the following personal data: 1. User information that they provide for contractual purposes and to enable the proper execution of reciprocal obligations, namely name, first name, address, IBAN number and banking details, etc.; and more generally, any information voluntarily given by the User; 2. Users' information by filling out forms or contacting by telephone, email or other means, for example Users' name, address, email address and telephone number; 3. With regard to each of Users' visits to the Site, the information automatically collected is: a. IP address, browser type and model, time zone, operating system; b. all information concerning the pages that the User has consulted on the Site, in particular the URL, navigation time, etc. 5. Consent By accessing the Site and using it, the User declares to have read and agreed in a free, specific, informed and unequivocal manner to the processing of personal data concerning him or her. This agreement relates to the content of this Privacy Policy. Consent is given by the positive act by which the User has checked the box offering the Privacy Policy as a hyperlink. This consent is an essential condition for carrying out certain operations on the Site or for allowing the User to enter into a contractual relationship with Knitty and Woolly. Any contract between Knitty and Woolly and a User relating to the services and goods offered on the Site is subject to acceptance of the Privacy Policy by the User. The User consents to the Data Controller processing and collecting, in accordance with the terms and principles included in this Privacy Policy, his/her personal data that he/she communicates on the Site or on the occasion of the services offered by Knitty and Woolly, for the purposes indicated above. The User has the right to withdraw consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not compromise the lawfulness of processing based on consent previously given. 6. Duration of retention of Users’ personal data In accordance with Article 13 §2 of the Regulation and the Law, the Data Controller only keeps personal data for the time reasonably necessary to enable the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed. This duration is in all cases less than: 1 year 7. Data recipients and disclosure to third parties Personal data may be transmitted to employees, collaborators, subcontractors or suppliers of Knitty and Woolly who offer adequate data security guarantees, and who collaborate with Knitty and Woolly in the marketing of products or the provision of services. They act under the direct authority of Knitty and Woolly, and are notably responsible for collecting, processing or subcontracting this data. In all cases, the recipients of the data and those to whom this data has been disclosed respect the content of this Privacy Policy. Knitty and Woolly assures that they will process this data only for the intended purposes, in a discreet and secure manner. In the event that the data is disclosed to third parties for direct marketing or prospecting purposes, the User will be informed in advance so that they can express their consent to the use of this personal data. 8. User Rights User can exercise their rights at any time, by sending a message by email to the following address: , or a letter by post addressed, attaching a copy of their identity card to the The following address: Voorjaarstraat 14 B2, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium a. Permission to access In accordance with article 15 of the Regulations, Knitty and Woolly guarantees the User's right of access to their personal data. The User has the right to obtain access to said personal data as well as the following information: the purposes of the processing; the categories of personal data concerned; the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated, in particular recipients who are established in third countries or international organizations; where possible, the planned retention period of the personal data or, where this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period; the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22, paragraphs 1 and 4 of the Regulation, and, at least in such cases, useful information regarding the underlying logic, as well as the significance and anticipated consequences of this processing for the data subject The Data Controller may require payment of a reasonable fee based on administrative costs for any additional copies requested by the User. When the User submits this request electronically (via the email address for example), the information is provided in commonly used electronic form, unless the User requests otherwise. A copy of their data will be communicated to the User no later than one month after receipt of the request. b. Right of rectification Knitty and Woolly guarantees the user the right to rectification and erasure of personal data. In accordance with Article 16 of the Regulation, incorrect, inaccurate or irrelevant data may be corrected or deleted at any time. The User shall first make the necessary changes themselves from their user/other account, unless they cannot be made autonomously, in which case a request may be made to Knitty and Woolly. In accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation, the Data Controller notifies each recipient to whom the personal data has been communicated of any rectification of the personal data, unless such communication proves impossible or requires disproportionate effort. The data controller shall provide the data subject with information on these recipients if he or she so requests. c. Right to erasure Users have the right to obtain the deletion of their personal data as soon as possible in the cases listed in Article 17 of the Regulation. Where the Data Controller has made personal data public and is required to erase them pursuant to the previous paragraph, the Data Controller, taking into account available technologies and implementation costs, takes reasonable measures, including of a technical nature, to inform other controllers processing such personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copies of, such personal data or reproduction thereof. The previous two paragraphs do not apply to the extent that this processing is necessary: to the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; to comply with a legal obligation which requires processing provided for by Union law or by the law of the Member State to which the controller is subject, or to carry out a task in the public interest or relating to the exercise of the public authority vested in the controller; for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights. In accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation, the Data Controller notifies each recipient to whom the personal data have been communicated of any erasure of personal data or any limitation of the processing carried out, unless such communication proves impossible or requires disproportionate effort. The data controller shall provide the data subject with information about these recipients upon request. d. Right to restriction of processing The User has the right to obtain limitation of the processing of his personal data in the cases listed in Article 19 of the Regulations. In accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation, the Data Controller notifies each recipient to whom the personal data have been communicated of any limitation of the processing carried out, unless such communication proves impossible or requires disproportionate effort. The data controller shall provide the data subject with information about these recipients upon request. e. Right of data portability In accordance with Article 20 of the Regulations, Users have the right to receive personal data concerning them from Knitty and Woolly in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Users have the right to transmit this data to another data controller without Knitty and Woolly obstructing this in the cases provided for by the Regulations. When the User exercises his/her right to data portability in application of the previous paragraph, he/she has the right to obtain that the personal data be transmitted directly from one data controller to another, where this is technically possible. The exercise of the right to data portability is without prejudice to the right to erasure. This right does not apply to processing necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. The right to data portability does not infringe the rights and freedoms of third parties. f. Right of opposition and automated individual decision-making Users have the right at any time to object to the processing of their personal data on the grounds of their particular situation, including the automation of data carried out by Knitty and Woolly. In accordance with article 21 of the Regulation, Knitty and Woolly will no longer process personal data, unless there are legitimate and compelling grounds for the processing which override the interests and rights and freedoms of the User, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights. When personal data is processed for prospecting purposes, the User has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her for such prospecting purposes, including profiling to the extent where it is linked to such prospecting. If the data subject objects to the processing for canvassing purposes, the personal data will no longer be processed for these purposes. g. Right to complain Users have the right to lodge a complaint concerning the processing of their personal data by Knitty and Woolly with the Data Protection Authority, competent for Belgian territory. Further information can be found on the website: . Submission of a complaint can be made to the following addresses: Data Protection Authority Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels Tel. + 32 2 274 48 00 Fax. + 32 2 274 48 35 Email: Users can also file a complaint with the court of first instance of their domicile. 9. Cookies The Site uses cookies to distinguish Users of the Site. This helps provide Users with a better browsing experience and an improvement of the Site and its content. The purposes and terms of cookies are contained in this article. a. General principles A "Cookie" is a file placed temporarily or permanently on the User's hard drive when consulting the Website, with a view to a subsequent connection. Thanks to cookies, the server recognizes the User's computer. Cookies may also be installed by third parties with whom Knitty and Woolly collaborates. Some of the cookies used by Knitty and Woolly are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, others help improve the User experience. Users can personalize or deactivate cookies by configuring their browser. By using the Website, the User expressly agrees to the management of cookies as described in this article. b. Type of cookies and purposes pursued Different types of cookies are used by Knitty and Woolly on the Site: Technical cookies: they are necessary for the operation of the Website, allow the communication of data entered and are intended to facilitate the User's navigation; Statistical and audience measurement cookies: these cookies enable recognition of the User and are used to count the number of Users of the Website over a certain period. Since they also indicate browsing behavior, they are an effective way to improve the User's browsing, by displaying proposals and offers likely to interest them. They also allow Knitty and Woolly to identify possible bugs on the Website and to correct them. Functional cookies: these cookies facilitate the use of the Website by retaining certain choices made (for example, the user name or language); Tracking cookies: Knitty and Woolly uses tracking cookies via Google Analytics to measure User interaction with the content of the Site and produce anonymous statistics. These statistics allow Knitty and Woolly to improve the Website. Google supports the explanation of these cookies at: c. Cookie retention period Cookies are kept for the time necessary to achieve the intended purpose. The cookies that may be stored on the User's hard drive as well as their retention period are as follows: 1 year d. Cookie management If the User does not want the Website to place cookies on their hard drive, it is easy for them to manage or delete them by modifying their browser settings. The browser programming also allows the User to receive a notice or notification as soon as a Website uses cookies and thus decide to accept this, or to refuse it. If the User deactivates certain cookies, he accepts that the Website may not function optimally. Certain parts of the Website may therefore not be usable, or may be partially usable. If the User wishes to manage and/or delete certain cookies, he or she can do so using the following link(s): For Users with a browser: Internet Explorer: Microsoft Edge: Chrome: Firefox: Safari: If the User refuses to allow Google Analytics cookies to be used, they are invited to configure their browser to this effect, on the following website: ​ ​ 10. Limitation of liability of the Data Controller The Website may contain links to other websites owned by third parties unrelated to Knitty and Woolly. The content of these sites and their compliance with the Law and Regulations are not the responsibility of Knitty and Woolly. The holder of parental authority must give express consent for the minor under 16 to disclose personal information or data on the website. Knitty and Woolly strongly advises those exercising parental authority over minors to promote responsible and safe use of the Internet. The Data Controller cannot be held responsible for having collected and processed information and personal data from minors under 16 years of age whose consent is not effectively covered by that of their legal parents or for incorrect data - in particular concerning the 'age- introduced by minors. Under no circumstances will personal data be processed by the Data Controller if the User specifies that he or she is under 16 years of age. Knitty and Woolly is not responsible for the loss, corruption or theft of personal data caused in particular by the presence of viruses or following computer attacks. ​ 11. Security The Data Controller implements organizational and technical measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the processing and collection of data. These security measures depend on the costs of implementation with regard to the nature, context and purposes of the processing of personal data. The Data Controller uses standard encryption technologies within the IT sector when transferring or collecting data on the Site. ​ 12. Modification of the Privacy Policy Knitty and Woolly reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to comply with legal obligations in this matter. The user is therefore invited to regularly consult the Privacy Policy in order to be aware of the modifications and adaptations. Such a modification will be displayed on the Site or sent by email for opposability purposes. ​ ​ 13. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction This Privacy Policy is governed exclusively by Belgian law. Any dispute shall be brought before the courts of the judicial district of Knitty and Woolly's registered office. 14. Contact For any questions or complaints relating to this Privacy Policy, the User may contact the Data Controller via the following address:

  • Réservation en ligne | Knitty and Woolly

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  • Blog | Knitty and Woolly

    Knitty and Woolly The blog Tous les posts Knitting tips and tutorials My knitting designs The wool Handmade creations Inspirations Search Log in / Sign up Aug 6 5 min Knitting tips and tutorials How do I care for my woollen knitwear? Jun 27 1 min Inspirations Welcome to the colour Quebracho Pink Jun 27 4 min Handmade creations The Sun collection, a new range of woven wool bracelets May 2 4 min Handmade creations The Pyrenees collection, handwoven wool bracelets inspired by nature Apr 30 3 min Knitting inspiration with Azun Worsted yarns Apr 30 3 min Knitting inspiration with Azun Sport yarns Apr 29 5 min Let's talk values and inspiration, for a natural and traceable wool! Mar 18, 2023 2 min What is sheep's wool structure? Feb 1, 2023 7 min Are you in to start knitting? Great idea! Feb 1, 2023 1 min Pattern - Automn stripes cowl Feb 1, 2023 2 min Pattern - Aspin sweater Feb 1, 2023 1 min What to do with my yarn leftovers? Knitty and Woolly on Instagram and Pinterest Instagram Pinterest

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